Custom Creature Creation Guide

Creation Location

You can create customs at Armand Goldbear's Shop in the Moonlit Graveyard 2. When you arrive there, click "Create Custom" under your options to get started.

This page is closely monitored for potential exploitation. Please be kind and play the game correctly.

Unshaped Flesh

You'll need Unshaped Flesh to make a custom in this shop. Unshaped Flesh can be acquired the following ways:

  • 1 for each Gamer Boss Trophy you earn under Player>Achievements>Normal Boss Trophies.
  • 2 for each Nightmare Boss Trophy you earn under Player>Achievements>Normal Boss Trophies.
  • 3 for each Daisy Pusher Boss Trophy you earn under Player>Achievements>Normal Boss Trophies.
  • Varying amounts for Grinding Mutants in the Grinding Shop in Onyx City.

Unshaped Flesh earned from boss trophies will be acquired as soon as you visit Armand Goldbear. Be sure to read his welcome message to see how much you earned!

Unshaped Flesh is also used for Editing all customs.

You can view how much Unshaped Flesh you currently have under "Player>Account".

Custom Menu Walkthrough

Additional Cost Options


Determines if your custom will be Poor, Average, Good, Great, or Superb. The price of your custom increases as its quality increases. For example, a superb custom is the most expensive, while a poor puppet is cheapest.

You can read more detailed information about creature quality here.


Increases a creature's attractiveness during Breeding and when executing certain skills.

Additional Cost Options cannot be Edited later, so please be careful!

General Options

Battle Type

Determines if your custom's Battle Type is Close, Ranged, Magic or Support.

Species Name

What your custom's base species will be called.


Allows you to choose which sex your custom will be. Sex affects how certain skills will behave and Genes your custom may inherit.

Weapon Type

Choose the type of weapon your custom will use within the game.


A creatures kin affects how much damage your custom may take from certain skills and Genes they may inherit.

Species Description

Put in any backstory details you want about your custom. Where it came from, how itr behaves, and so on. Be creative and have fun with it!

General Options can be Edited later, so don't worry too much if you make a mistake.

Attribute Options

Make sure you are familiar with all of the things attributes do here before proceeding.

Energy HPEP

Split between two types, Hit Points and Endurance Points. HP is needed to keep the custom alive, while EP is needed to use its various skills. Increasing one, decreases the other.


Enhance your custom's base stats. Each of the six attributes has a 60 point minimum that cannot be lowered. You have 100 stat points that can be divided among the six categories in increments of 10.

Weight Options WHT

Modify the WHT of your custom. Lower WHT unit's act faster, but typically do less damage. Varying weight affect some skills differently.

Elemental Affinity firewaterwindearthdarklight

Customize the elements your custom uses. Increasing one decreases the value of its opposition. It is best to try and match the elements with whichever skills you plan for your puppet.

Attributes can be Edited later, so don't worry too much if you make a mistake.

Creating Skills with the Skill Template System

For each skill, do the following:

  • Select a skill you like in the selector. For now, Level 1.
  • Scroll down to the new section that was created for you.
  • Enter the skill's name. Keep it brief.
  • Kin Bonus will increase the damage done to creatures that are members of a particular kin.
  • Elemental Bonus determines the affinity used against the target(s) when the skill executes.
  • Accuracy changes based on the skill choices you make. This is more important to a skill's Accuracy than the creature's DEX attribute.
  • Changing Range dictates what creatures will be targeted in a particular Formation when the skill is used. Higher level skills have access to more Ranges.
  • Cost Type affects whether or not HP or EP will be consumed using a skill. This cannot be changed for certain skills.
  • Type up the Description, which is simple flavor text that allows you to describe what your custom is doing when it uses the skill during battle.
  • Additional Effect let's you choose a second effect your custom skill will have. Please be aware that choosing an extra affect decreases the affectiveness of the original skill, increases EP/HP costs and may even decrease Accuracy.

You must complete at least five skills this way before continuing.

Skills can be Edited later, so don't worry too much if you make a mistake.


After the Custom is finished, you can add your own sprites.

For now, just choose one of the premades sprites you have access to and the colors you want. You can also choose any outfits you've unlocked for it for enhanced customizability.

Completing the Custom

Congratulations on getting this far! Hit "Submit Order" to complete your custom.

Please note that if you don't have the needed currency, this page will automatically update your amounts every 30 or so seconds.

So retrieve more quickly if you need to while keeping the page open to finally complete your masterpiece.

I'm Done, What's Next?

Be proud! The vast majority of players here lack the dedication needed to complete one of these.

You should be able to access your completed creature at your "Camp>Creatures" menu.

If you'd like to edit your custom, learn more here.

To learn how to add your own sprites, go here.

If you want to start your own custom shop and sell your wonderful creation, go here.