Leo Species

Base Species

Oh, Leo, the spotlight-craving drama magnet of the zodiac. This month, brace yourself for overblown reactions and attention-seeking antics. Your talent for turning every minor event into a grand spectacle will be in full force. Did someone spill coffee? Time for a tearful monologue about life's unfairness.
Your need for validation will be so intense that even the slightest hint of applause will send you into an encore performance. Friends and family might start keeping a safe distance to avoid being cast as extras in your never-ending soap opera.
Maybe try to tone it down a notch, Leo. Not every cough is a crisis, and not every raised eyebrow is a standing ovation.

Miscellaneous Information

Weapon TypeGlove
Artist Ignis
Kin Beast
Category Subscription Creature

Aside from player transactions, this creature can only be acquired from our Subscription Plan on Subscribe Star or Patreon. They will follow a theme each year, and 2025's is the Egyptian Zodiac.

Attribute Information

HP360 EP240 STR100 VIT80
MGC60 RES80 DEX90 SPD100
BTC WHT115 GenderF Style Hidden ?
fire35 % water-35 % light15 % dark-15 %
earth-15 % wind15 %