Aquarius Species

Base Species

Hey Aquarius, prepare for a month of cosmic eye-rolling and perfected loner vibes as your disdain for humanity hits peak levels and your social skills rust faster than a medieval suit of armor.
Sure, I could bother telling you about a sign you'd be compatible with and how to find love, but we both know you can't be arsed. So, continue to live and inevitably die alone; you Picasso of both laziness and neglect.

Miscellaneous Information

Weapon TypeOther
Artist Ignis
Kin Nature
Category Subscription Creature

Aside from player transactions, this creature can only be acquired from our Subscription Plan on Subscribe Star or Patreon. They will follow a theme each year, and 2025's is the Egyptian Zodiac.

Attribute Information

HP400 EP200 STR80 VIT80
MGC120 RES80 DEX80 SPD70
BTM WHT115 GenderF Style Hidden ?
fire-30 % water30 % light-5 % dark5 %
earth-50 % wind50 %