Miss Information Species

Base Species

Are you sick and tired of hearing alleged facts that contradict any part of your worldview? Do you want absolutely no exposure whatsoever to opposing viewpoints? Well, dear woken progressberal friends, Miss Information is here for you! Only the finest, most up to the microsecond in fully focus-group validated, vocal minority narrative approved statements that might possibly bear a passing resemblance to facts! Bozhe moi, why would you listen to anyone else?
Fast Announcer Voice: Miss Information is in no way exactly the same person as that conservenaga shill Mister Information, merely wearing a blatantly obvious false mustache. Any claims to the contrary are clearly fake views. All statements by Miss Information are as credible as Miss Information herself. Na zdorovie.

Miscellaneous Information

Weapon TypeGlove
Artist Ignis
Kin Humanoid
Category Limited Edition Mini

Limited Edition Soul Puppets are acquired by financially supporting the game and rolling LESP Tokens.

Attribute Information

HP360 EP240 STR60 VIT70
MGC100 RES70 DEX110 SPD100
BTC WHT115 GenderF Style Hidden ?
fire-50 % water50 % light15 % dark-15 %
earth20 % wind-20 %